Mosaic work is an ancient art which is enjoying a revival in today's architecture.Our mosaics are composed both of classic materials- natural stones and pebbles and materials such as glass, colored mirrors, pottery, porcelain, shills, ceramics and others
Direct method - the usual method for working with mosaics. the tesseras{ bits of matterial which constitute the raw materials} are fastened directly onto the final base. Theouter surface is uneven, and so this method is appropriate for frames of pictures, mirrors, etc
reverse method - In this system the tesserac are glued inverted on a temporary base, while the permanent base, poured on top, is concrete. The face of the finished mosaic is flat and less reflective than in the direct method. In the final stage, grout is worked into the gaps between the tesserac. the grouting strenghens the mosaic, evens off the surface, and gives an esthetically pleasing unity of the mosaic. The grout may be white or colores, according to the wishes of the designer
mosaic news- new method
New Nosaic are traditional mosaics manufactured from tens of thousands of little tiles typically glued "face on" to300X300 mm (12X12 inch) transparent film sheets and supplied as a ready to install kit.
Mosaic proprietary technology consists on a mosaic editor and a fully automated manufacturing process.
Our mosaic editor allows us to create a variety of mosaic options based on the same original image. with the mosaic editor we can choose the image curves we want the tiles to follow. The software chooses the tile color based on the available tile selection and the image color.
Once the computerized mosaic design gains customer approval, we send the mosaic files to our manufacturing site where tiles are automatically assembled into your mosaic kit. Our machinery has 0.1 mm placement accuracy, making certain that the final product accurately follows the image approved by the customer.
The mosaic Installation is done on site by placing the sheets side by side.
We made it as easy as possible for you to install our mosaics. With our mosaics you do not need to be an experienced professional to assemble a mosaic without visible stitch marks between sheets.
A typical four square meter mosaic would weights 25 kg and fit into a box measuring 320X320X300 mm.
Direct method - the usual method for working with mosaics. the tesseras{ bits of matterial which constitute the raw materials} are fastened directly onto the final base. Theouter surface is uneven, and so this method is appropriate for frames of pictures, mirrors, etc
reverse method - In this system the tesserac are glued inverted on a temporary base, while the permanent base, poured on top, is concrete. The face of the finished mosaic is flat and less reflective than in the direct method. In the final stage, grout is worked into the gaps between the tesserac. the grouting strenghens the mosaic, evens off the surface, and gives an esthetically pleasing unity of the mosaic. The grout may be white or colores, according to the wishes of the designer
mosaic news- new method
New Nosaic are traditional mosaics manufactured from tens of thousands of little tiles typically glued "face on" to300X300 mm (12X12 inch) transparent film sheets and supplied as a ready to install kit.
Mosaic proprietary technology consists on a mosaic editor and a fully automated manufacturing process.
Our mosaic editor allows us to create a variety of mosaic options based on the same original image. with the mosaic editor we can choose the image curves we want the tiles to follow. The software chooses the tile color based on the available tile selection and the image color.
Once the computerized mosaic design gains customer approval, we send the mosaic files to our manufacturing site where tiles are automatically assembled into your mosaic kit. Our machinery has 0.1 mm placement accuracy, making certain that the final product accurately follows the image approved by the customer.
The mosaic Installation is done on site by placing the sheets side by side.
We made it as easy as possible for you to install our mosaics. With our mosaics you do not need to be an experienced professional to assemble a mosaic without visible stitch marks between sheets.
A typical four square meter mosaic would weights 25 kg and fit into a box measuring 320X320X300 mm.
ran green- the artist of vitran studio.