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UPGRADING THE LEVEL of national security . The case of ISRAEL 

מאת    [ 22/01/2020 ]

מילים במאמר: 2376   [ נצפה 2084 פעמים ]





  Case study of ISRAEL






ISBN 978-965-92755

Key-words: National Security; Big Five National Resilience; National Security arena; National Security space; Realism theory; international relations theory; Intermediate School Theory; Balkan arena; Middle East arena; National Security pentagram S.E.C.R.E.T model; local, regional and global spaces; national threats; national risk-taking; global changes forecast 2030.

Field of research: current study focuses on the field of National Security strengthening in mainstream political science.

The purpose of current study consists in formulating and proposing of a modern and innovative approach of strengthening of the National Security phenomenon, manifested in creation and demonstration of an authentic theory capable of explaining and appraising the optimal factors of National Resilience arenas according the local, regional and global geographic spaces, as well as in elaboration of a valid method of propensity of cooperation prognosis between countries  to upgrade and strength the National Security potential of a weak or small county by means of new philosophic perception in the area of political science.

The objectives: to demonstrate the relevance of the NS "Intermediate School Theory" in explanation of National Security by means of identifying the intensity of National Resilience arenas' attributes and influence over the rational modern perception, as the basic explanatory theory of NS phenomenon; to carry out the National Security methodological pentagram S.E.C.R.E.T model which supports local, regional and global spaces and consists of optimal and effective statistical scale according to the "Big Five National Resilience": internal and external, socio-economic and security arenas and obstacles interfering as factors that might fail the NS promotion of NS scientific domain research.

Scientific novelty of the research and originality of obtained results. Current scientific research constitutes one of the first systematic studies in field of NS in political science of the Republic of Bulgaria and the State of Israel which is dedicated to the most disputable questions of Resilience of NS strengthening by means of implementation of the newest concept of NS "Intermediate School Theory", as the most relevant dogmatic approach in prediction and explanation of "Realism Theory" approach as leader of present National Security State design.

The main scientific problem resolved consists in demonstration of the effective NS  "Intermediate  School Theory" utility, in mainstream political science that is considered to be the fundamental one in explanation of a State mis-design or insufficient level of NS, which induced the creation of an innovative algorithm of National Resilience factors based on revealing of causal relationship between specific arena's traits of any country according to the risks and threats in present and long-run future forecast, in order to be employed as a valid and authentic method of NS prognosis and strengthening.

The theoretical importance and practical value of the research is expressed in: systematization of the scientific approaches concerning the phenomenon of National Security; accretion of a consistent theoretical and empirical basis in order to construct and to develop an innovative political science approach in field of promotion and intensifying State National Security phenomenon; elucidation of the newest perspectives of political science evolution in sphere of strengthening National Resilience Arenas, etc.

The practical value of current study is an empiric subject. The final purpose of the study consists in formulating a method of cooperation between Bulgaria and Israel in those areas where big gaps were found between the two countries. It was found that cooperation between the two countries should be upgraded were the model arenas' biggest gaps are above 30%. Meaning in these three arenas: 1) The external arena: regional space and international space; 2) The socio-economic arena 3) Security arena. There is a necessity of cooperation between Bulgaria and Israel. The two countries need to renew relations in the "external circle" of their periphery.

As Israel and Bulgaria are two potential power pivot countries in the region of the Middle East space (Israel) and the Euro Asian space block (Bulgaria), there is a chance of the two countries to improve and upgrade National Security by increasing the medium and long-run (2020-2030) cooperation, on basis of future global changes forecast according to certainty and uncertainty extreme situations on local level, regional and global level.


Relevance of the researched topic. The relevance of current study stems from a need to deal with the complicated and problematic phenomenon of National Security. The study will be performed from the standpoint of NATIONAL RESILIENCE arenas approach in such a manner as to obtain optimal results in order to elaborate and implement a new and original algorithm of NATIONAL RESILIENCE arenas, that will assist strengthening the NS cooperation between the Republic of Bulgaria and the State of Israel.

National Security is “the continuation of security with other means.” It is a well-known and critical phenomenon while the definition is "measurable state of the capability of a nation to overcome multi-dimensional threats to the apparent well-being of its people and its survival as a nation-State at any given time, by balancing all instruments of State policy through governance, that can be indexed by computation, empirically or otherwise, and is extendable to global security by variables external to it".

From a political science perspective, the military aspect of security is important, however a nation requires other forms of security. Besides military aspect of security, aspects of diplomacy or politics, society, environment, energy and natural resources, and economics are commonly important. The elements of National Security correlate closely with the concept of elements of national power. The measurable state of capability of a nation to overcome multi-dimensional threats to apparent well-being of its people and its survival as a nation-State at any given time, by balancing all instruments of State policy through governance, can be indexed by computation, empirically.

National Security is not unidimensional. A nation's dangerousness, as well as a specific type of security can be explained as: military security is traditionally the earliest recognized form of National Security. Military security implies the capability of a nation to defend itself, and/or deter military aggression. Alternatively, military security implies the capability of a nation to enforce its policy choices by use of military force. The political aspect of security as an important component of National Security, political security is regarding stability of the social order. Economic security nowadays forms, arguably, an important part of National Security as military security. The creation and protection of jobs that supply defense and non-defense needs are vital to National Security. Environmental security deals in environmental issues which threaten National Security of a nation in any manner. The scope and nature of environmental threats to national security and strategies to engage in, are a subject of debate. Security of energy and natural resources is for sustaining life at a heightened level of well-being. Resources include water, sources of energy, land and minerals. Recently, cybersecurity began to be viewed as a pressing National Security issue. Electronic information systems are vital for maintaining National Security of any state. Possible unauthorized access to the critical governmental infrastructures by State and non-State entities can create a serious threat and have a negative impact on political, economic and military security of a given nation.

Achievements of political science in sphere of explanation of NS constitute: the core absolute majority of research of National Security approach in field of perception and definition of the phenomena of National Security is absent. All those qualitative studies deal in problems which are directly linked to our scientific research; nevertheless, not even one of them covers in a complete manner the field of our study, dealing in problems which are directly linked to our scientific research.

The purpose of current research consists in formulation and proposal of a modern and innovative approach of strengthening the National Security phenomenon, manifested in creation and demonstration of an authentic theory capable of explaining and appraising the optimal factors of National Resilience arenas according to local, regional and global geographic spaces, as well as in elaboration of a valid method of prognosis of propensity of a State's cooperation to upgrade the National Security potential of a weak or little State by means of new philosophic perception in area of political science. Within limits of current study, we will explain the phenomenon of State National Security in mainstream National Security science by theories and schools and perceptions adopted in modern national security science.

Unfortunately, we have to declare that this issue is explored only partially. Indeed, this was the basic reason why we have chosen this topic for our investigation. From the very beginning, in the scientific research we divided the entire bibliography into several categories: political science, psychology, sociology, economics, law, criminalistics, statistics, security science, geography, philosophy, etc.

Objectives: National Security is an umbrella concept, including but not limited too multiple different disciplines. The objectives elaborated in accordance with the purpose are as follows: to analyze the scientific background of multidisciplinary nature as National Security calls for attention to multiple different disciplines, including philosophy, history, economics, political science, psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, managerial sciences, geography, criminology etc.

Within the realm of modern political science explanations concerning the phenomenon of NS in the Republic of Bulgaria and the State of Israel, in order to obtain necessary and sufficient conclusions regarding the States' beavering and dealing of small countries with State national resilience; to find a relevant explanation of causes and favorable conditions to current NS situation; to construct the portrait of small countries from different spaces as the Middle East and the Southeastern Europe and to propose a profound and valid political science analysis of its arenas and factors; to analyze modern theories and National Security situation of two small unique strategically located countries from aspects of geostrategy, international relations, culture, society, economy, etc.; to demonstrate the relevance of "Intermediate school theory" in explanation of national resilience of a State by means of identifying the intensity of effective components and factors and the influence of creation of a new pentagram S.E.C.R.E.T model as the basic explanatory theory of NS; to make a correlation between Rational Choice and Irrational Choice which are relevant concepts in NS that explain the ineffective practice of a State's NS; to carry out optimal-scale interviews according to world statistical researches and surveys, sociological and economical, security, demography, criminological etc., in the scientific domain of NS and international relations studies in order to ensure the empirical part of the research.

The need of Reformulating Bulgaria and Israel’s National Security Doctrine: to enlighten the parameters that would assist the new NS Pentagram S.E.C.R.E.T model, as an innovative and leading model in field of strengthening the National Resilience arenas, which, in the author’s opinion, will define better the likelihood of success in improving the NS idea; to recommend a new methodology for creating an original scale of valid National Residences arenas, justifiable not only from military and sociological standpoints, however as well from internal, external, security and obstacles’ points of view in the process of NS, etc.

The basic standpoints of current doctoral dissertation which form the object of scientific researchare as follows:

Defining security or National Security only in military terms is too narrow and a definition that includes areas such as education, quality of life and ecology, politics, health, safety and value of individual citizen's life, and so on – is too broad. The right attitude is the perception of "middle school", a sort of compromise between the classic school and post-modern school.

Even if a study of National Security being a political science topic, the complex nature of National Security calls for attention to multiple various disciplines, including philosophy, history, economics, political science, psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, managerial sciences, geography, criminology and communications studies.

National State Security is and umbrella concept, including but not limited to military power, relation with a world power or good relations with neighbor's potential of atomic power.

State National Security involves three necessary elements: Local space of the State; Regional space of the state; Global umbrella space of a State.

Not all national factors or attributes can be categorized as manifestation of National Security factors. Compatible with our point of view consistency is only one aspect of the lay notion of National Resilience.

The decision to be independent however depended State is an irrational decision, rather than rational choice of governments, when the situation is complex and uncertain, NS risk of a country is a product of National resilience components. As national resilience components are interdepended and affect one of another, regarding probability of NS REFORM or changes, national historical and cultural conditions could discourage governments and leaders from creating the NS REFORM and vice-versa.

In explanation that national resilience component personality traits might serve as rational factors for optimal NS MODEL, the greater is degree of international relations (25% in model scale) in the NS phenomenon, the greater is security situation component (25% in model scale) in the NS phenomenon.

Demonstration that the best method to explain NS phenomenon must be based on "Big Five National Resilience" which cover “dangerous combinations” that will determine the NS risks.

Past TRAUMATIC OCATIONS collective memory experience of events, affects the people and the State ad constitutes the core REFORM of the future NS of a country – TRAUMATIC OCATIONS in the past, might be an obstacle to and impact the process of NS reform.

Proposal of the method of “Methodological Pentagram S.E.C.R.E.T model” as an original and optimal model of upgrading State's NS – based on last achievements of political science and philosophy science, as well as confirmed by our own investigations and brainstorming, as a valid method of NS STRENGTHENING in political behavior of the Republic of Bulgaria and the State of Israel.

The inherent feature of any National Security component is considered to be the following three necessary elements: a) special region status and advantages of the State; b) effective utilization of that special region advantages and status; c) causal relationship between that special status and the behavior expressed in its effective utilization.

יעקב רוב





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