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זהירות ממזימות והונאות באינטרנט 

מאת    [ 11/01/2010 ]

מילים במאמר: 2030   [ נצפה 5603 פעמים ]

זהירות ממזימות והונאות באינטרנט
מי לא קיבל דואר אלקטרוני מאנשים שאינו מכיר ובו הוא נתבקש לתרום לנזקקים כביכול
ניצול תמימותם של הגולשים וטוב ליבם או רחמנותם היא פרצה לגורמים שאינם ראויים לקבל צדקה כלל אומנם את נתיבי הכסף וגלגוליו איני יודע אבל מוטב לתרום לגוף מוכר ובדרך בטוחה .
לאחרונה נשלח אלי דואר , בלי להוציא לשון הרע ח"ו מכתובות שונות ובתוכנו היה באופן מפתיע חפיפה לנושאים שעליהם כתבתי מאמרים למשל בעקבות המאמר על שפעת החזירים קיבלתי אי מיל ממוסד רפואי על רופאים וכו
כמו כן בין המיילים נשלך וירוס תולעת שמנתק את האינטרנט.
ובעקבות הסיפור על "מזוודה מלאה בדולרים" נתבשרתי ע"י שני מיילים שזכיתי בהגרלות בין 200,000 אי- מיילים ובחברת טבק בסכום ע"ס 1,000,000 ו- 1,350,000 פאונד דבר זה עורר את חשדנותי
עליי למלא את הפרטים ולשלוח בחזרה לשולח , הכסף מחכה לי בבנק הלאומי של אירלנד
בדקתי דרך גוגול על אודות ההגרלות והגעתי לאתר שמזהיר מפני נוכלים למנסים להוציא כסף ממך במרמה וכך השבתי להם
גם הבנקאי שלי שאמר שזה תמוהה ופשוט להתעלם מהמייל "זה נראה לך הגיוני? שאל"
המכתבים נראו רשמיים או סתמיים
במייל האחרון קיבלתי כביכול מכתב מטעם הוטמייל שבו נאמר שעליי למלא את פרטי האישיים כולל סיסמא כי הכתובת שלי מעומדת לסגירה
בהזדמנות חגיגית זאת נציין את האתר שכל 4 דקות קופץ ומפריע לי בעת הגלישה שמו:

אני לא יודע עם כל המיילים האלה אמיתיים או מזויפים אבל מישהו צריך לעשות כאן סדר כנאמר בתפילה:

ועל כן נקוה לך ה' אלוקינו ,לראות במהרה בתפארת עוזך , להעביר גילולים מן הארץ והאלילים כרות יכרתון, לתקן עולם במלכות שדי : וכל בני בשר יקראו בשמך, להפנות אליך כל רשעי ארץ. יכירו וידעו כל ישבי תבל , כי לך תכרע כל ברך , תשבע כל לשון. לפניך ה' אלוקינו יכרעו ויפולו , ולכבוד שמך יקר יתנו, ויקבלו כולם את עול מלכותך , ותמלוך עליהם מהרה לעולם ועד , כי המלכות שלך היא , ולעולמי עד תמלוך בכבוד , ככתוב בתורתך ה' ימלוך לעולם ועד. ונאמר : והיה ה' למלך על כל הארץ , ביום ההוא יהיה ה' אחד ושמו אחד

דוגמאות מהמיילים:

From: ant.alvarez@bluewin.ch (ant.alvarez@bluewin.ch)
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: 26 April 2010 06:40AM

You are a winner in the ongoing UK-National lottery promo. you have been approved to be paid the total sum of One million pounds. For more information, Kindly contact Barr terry woodgate on this email below: barrterrywoodgate02@gmail.com Contact him, with your, Serial No:S/N-472-9768-79

Mrs Ant Alvarez

**You Are A Certified Winner Of The Microsft Mega Jackpot Promotion**‏From: MICROSOFT CORPORATION INC (eliza@ukandree.com)
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: 21 April 2010 11:45AM

MICROSOFT HOUSE PRESCOT, LONDON E1 8RP.UNITED KINGDOM. ELECTRONIC E-MAIL AWARD PROMOTION.The Microsoft Mega Jackpot Lottery, United Kingdom wishes to inform you that the results of the New Year E-mail address ballot lottery international program held in Great Britain on the 17th of April 2010 is out. Your e-mail account have been picked as a certified winner of a lump sum pay out of ?1,550,952.00.(One Million Five Hundred And Fifty Thousand Nine Hundred And Fifty Two Pounds Sterling) credited to MICRO (LOTTERY) CHIP NO:9465206. This is from a total prize money of ?8,612,170 GBP shared amongst the (5) international winners in this category "A" ballot lottery. You are therefore advice to contact our claims agent for validation: THE BENEFICIARY/OWNER OF THE WINNING EMAIL SHOULD COMPLETE OUR CLAIMS FORM. 1. FULL NAMES OF BENEFICIARY:2. RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS:3. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH:4. PHONE/FAX NUMBERS:5. NAME AND ADDRESS OF NEXT OF KIN:6. MICRO (LOTTERY) CHIP NUMBER: 7. OCCUPATION:8. MARITAL STATUS:9. SEX:10. NATIONALITY:11. AMOUNT WON: You are to contact the Claims Consultant with the details below:Contact Person: Mr. Godwin Allyson.Email : mcorporationinc@w.cnTel: +(44)-704-570-5663 Yours Sincerely,Dr (Mrs) Elizabeth AndreOn-Line Coordinator, Microsoft Mega Jackpot Lottery

הודעה מהוטמייל:
Windows Live (ppmu@hotmail.com)
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Sent: 08 January 2010 15:50PM
To: customerservices44alert@live.com

Dear Account Owner

This Email is from Hotmail Customer Care and we are sending it to every Hotmail Email User Accounts Owner for safety. we are having congestions due to the anonymous registration of Hotmail accounts so we are shutting down some Hotmail accounts and your account was among those to be deleted. We are sending this email to you so that you can verify and let us know if you still want to use this account. If you are still interested please confirm your account by filling the space below.Your User name, password, date of birth and your country information would be needed to verify your account.

Confirm your E-mail by filling out your Login Information below after clicking the reply button, or your account will be suspended within 48 hours for security reasons.

* Username: .............................
* Password: ................................
* Date of Birth: ............................
* Country Or Territory: ................

The Windows Live Hotmail Team

דוגמה לזכיה מלוטו אירופה
Your Email Address Have Won 750,000 Euros Prize‏From: Euro Milliones Lottery (elott@elennet.es)
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: 09 February 2010 15:46PM
To: y_yehonatan@hotmail.com

********************************************************EURO LOTERIA END OF YEAR PROMOTION AWARDwww.loteria.com********************************************************Attn Web/ Internet user!!! We are happy to inform you that your [ y_yehonatan@hotmail.com ] have emerged winner ofSEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND EUROS (EUR 750,000)Euros, from the EuroLoteria Internet Promotion Award, This is a Scientific Computer Game inwhich email addresses were used. It is a promotional program aimed atencouraging internet users; Meaning, you do not need to buy ticket toenter for it. Your email account have been picked as one of the tenwinning email address in 2010. Therefore you have been approve for thestar prize of (SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND EUROS (EUR 750,000). To claim your Prize, please contact the claim officer with the underlisted winning details below.**************************************************Ref No: ES/WIN/008/05/10/MABatch No: SP/2907/444/908/06Lucky No: 3-18-40-40-76Serial No: 45407PROMOTION DATE: 30th Jan. 2010.WINNER EMAIL: [ y_yehonatan@hotmail.com ]************************************************** Note: You should include Your Name, Phone numbers, Fax number, Reference and Batch Numbers. Mr. Mac J Luis,Tel. +34-634-314- 924Fax: +34-911-82-03-12Email : servired@ejecutivos.com or servired@gestores.com Best regards, Dr. Maria Jose Muyor. Euro Milliones Lottery9th Feb, 2010 ****************************************************************************************This email is confidential and is intended solely for the person or Entity that own this email address [ y_yehonatan@hotmail.com ]. If you have received this message in error, we inform you that the content in it is reserved and unauthorized use is prohibited by law, therefore, please, please notify us by e-mail.****************************************************************************************

דוגמא לזכייה מחברת טבק:
From: Tobacco New Year Promo (uktobacco@hawamail.com)
Sent: 07 January 2010 16:38PM
Your Email id have been choosen by the BAT Company to receive a grant prizeof 1,000,000 GBP. Please fill the contact form given below.. FILL NAME:,ADDRESS:, PHONE NO.:, COUNTRY:

דוגמא לזכייה בהגרלה:
ATTN:Winner (CONTACT ALLIED IRISH BANK (GB) FOR YOUR WINNING FUNDS)‏From: DARREN LAWSON (notificationdepartment@btinternet.com)
Sent: 07 January 2010 07:01AM
To: yotam yehonatan (y_yehonatan@hotmail.com)
The Irish National LotteryFrom: The Desk of the Fiduciary Agent for Winning transfer11 G Lower Dorset Street,Dublin 1, Ireland.P O Box 1010.TEL: +447035948374 +447035948319Dear WINNER,Please contact the office of the Allied Irish Bank Services United Kingdom with this email address:Office Email: aibonlinecustomerservice@hotmail.co.ukCongratulations!!!This office is in receipt of your mail, and the content is well noted. I understand your skepticism as regards the WINNING NOTIFICATION sent to you, and I want to again bring to your humble notice that you are One(1) of the Lucky Winners of the 2009 edition of the IRISH LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC DRAW, where you won for your self a Lump sum of £1.350,000GBP the Draw was conducted at our International Corporate Office Complex in The United Kingdom.Be informed that the information included in the mail you receive is true, as you have legally won £1.350, 000GBP from the Irish Lottery Draw. Understand that the category in which you won is different from the regular (MANUAL) draws where participants purchase tickets as eligibility to qualify/win in the draw. The terms in this Irish Lottery online Draw (BONUS category) applies differently. Be informed that the Email Selection Process was carried out through a random selection of emails in our computerized Email Selection System(ESS) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from which your Email() was selected and consequently won.To claim begin with the process of claiming your Winning Funds, you have been advised to provide us with your Personal Information as shown below for proper documentation of your Winning File. FIND BELOW THE REQUESTED INFORMATION;Allied Irish Bank ServicesCustomer care centreCompany No. 2879852VERIFICATION FORM1.FULL NAMES:__________________________________2.ADDRESS:_____________________________________________3.SEX:_______________4.AGE:________5.MARITAL STATUS:___________________6.OCCUPATION:________________________7.E-MAIL ADDRESS:_____________________________8.TELEPHONE NUMBER:_____________________9. COUNTRY________________________________The Allied Irish Bank Services would be responsible for the transfer of your funds (payment of your prize money), and original copies of your winning certificate which would require the fiduciary agent signature,and Please oblige to follow their instructions so that your winnings prize can get to you on time. Do ensure to file your claims to them with a copy of your verification particulars and scaned copies of driver's lisence or any form of national identity.Endeavour to make your winnings confidential during the process of the transfer of your winnings.Mr.Darren lawson,Online Claims Officer. Confidentiality Notice: Please note that this email and any files that may be attached to it is/are confidential and is/are intended for the sole use of the individual(s) or entity (ies) to which it/they is/are addressed. Any use,distribution,copying or disclosure by any other person or entity is strictly prohibited under applicable law(s).Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to official business of NATIONAL LOTTERY and insurance shall be understood to be neither given nor endorsed by NATIONAL LOTTERY finance and insurance when addressed to concern finance and insurance clients; and any information contained in this email is subject to the terms and conditions of the governing client's contract(s). THE Irish National Lottery COPYRIGHT © 1994-2009 ALL RIGHT RESERVED.

(No Subject)‏From: jpschule@bluewin.ch (jpschule@bluewin.ch)
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: 12 March 2010 02:54AM

You are a winner in the ongoing UK-National lottery promo. you have been approved to be paid the total sum of One million pounds. For more information about your claims, Kindly contact Barr terry woodgate on this email below: barrterrywoodgate04@gmail.com Contact him, with your, Serial No:S/N-472-9768-79.
(No Subject)‏From: Hector Jairo Correa Cardona (hjcorreac@unal.edu.co)
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: 11 May 2010 00:09AM

Your Mail ID Has Won 950,000.00 In Our Mercedes Benz Promo.For Claims Send:

העוקץ הליברי ניגרי
hello‏From: Sasan Paul (sasanpaul43@yahoo.fr)
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: 19 March 2010 09:32AM

Hello dear
i Thanks for your mail, i will like to have a good relationship with you.
Well I am miss sasan paul from liberia ,the only daughter of Col tony paul My father is now late,he died during the last crisis in my country( Liberia ). He was one of the high officers in the leadership of formal president Charles Taylor who is now in exile after many innocent soul were killed,My father was unlucky to be among those that was killed by
the rebel.

The main reason why I am contacting you now is to seek you assistance in the area of my future investment and also for a help hand over some huge amount of money in my possession.

This money (US8.7 Million dollars)is deposited in a security and finacier company some years ago by my father he made me the sole beneficiary I am now asking you to stand on my behalf ,to stand as my partner and in time of the claim and investment as well.

As I have mention earlier I will make the procedure to this issue to be well know to you,if I am given the opportunity to do so.
Pls attach your direct and full information as you reply to me.
Thanks and remain bless.
miss sasan paul
May God bless you in jesus name amen
Fill in the following for claim process:
1.Full Names:..................
3.Date of Birth:...............
4....Marital status:............

כיום מתידדים אתך ואף שולחיף וירוס שידלה פרטים אישים ומנצלים תמימותך
ס"כ כל הזכיות שלי עד היום
5,500,952 סטרלינג*5.69 + 750,000 אירו*4.9 +7,000,000 דולר*3.74 = 55,749,916ש"ח
נכון לתאריך 28.4.2010
השאלה היא כמה מנות פלפל אוכל לקנות בכסף שלעולם לא יגיע ...

תגובת אתר "מאמרים"
שלום יותם,
זהו מייל הונאה הנשלח למשתמשים מרובים.
אל תענה לו ואל תיצור איתם קשר.
מערכת מאמרים

יותם יהונתן http://gallerya0.tripod.com

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