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Face of the Humans' Civilization, at Bloody 2010 

מאת    [ 29/09/2010 ]

מילים במאמר: 1181   [ נצפה 3171 פעמים ]

The current leading super-power is a facsist empire, born out of a totally illegitimate colonialism and with a bloody history, which worst part includes genociding over one million innocent and defenseless people(!!), at neutral Laos, during the imperialistic war against its neighbour, Viet-Nam's, wishes of Independence and Freedom to choose how to define itself. It also holds an astounding and amazing amount of the most destructive weapons everywhere, capable of annihilating ALL LIFE ON EARTH (save a few cockroaches) and by the meantime, bombards each and every single nation, which dares to defy its totalitarian laws (created by religious fanats and pathologically egoistic... things), of capitalism, sexophobia and environment-destruction. It does also oppress its own people and keeps them under a 1984-like survailance-system, in the name of their "moral laws", "war on terror" and other such darkerst and orwelian bullshit. Its name: The united states.

The next leading super-power is a fascist empire, though it, at least, has all the legitimacy to exist; after all, it has always been where it is and its population, has remained stationary, for dozens of thousands of years. It had also been a victim of other, much younger powers, during the 19th and the 20th century. It claims to be a socialistic power, but all around this world, you shall not be able, to locate a society, which is more bloodily capitalistic and distupianily darwinistic, than hers. Its totalitarianism - originally made up to enforce Marxism - is now being used to dictate just the opposite: an omnipotent tyranny of money. female-babies, are not even considered to have a right to live and its barbarous, tribal, primitive and superstitious "medicin", causes the mass-extinction, of endangered species, at an alarming rate. HumanRights do not exist in their culture and they do not seem to even be able to comprehend the very concept of "privacy". On one hand, their ascending to the throne of global domination, shall be the embodiment of Historical Justice; on the other, it shall be the realization of all our darkest nightmares. It name: China.

A bunch of former super-powers consists a vague, most fragmented... "union". Its true nature, is quite unclear - is it a confederation? A joint-market? A federation-to-be? A... what, exactly? Well, anyway, although most of its parts, are social-democrats (at least to some extent) and far more environmentally-friendly than other countries, yet its most common feature, so it seems, is its most traditional one, as bad: RACISM. Not only do they/does it (is it one, or many? Your guess is as good as mine...) refuse to compensate the numerous victims, of its past imperialistic expansions in Africa, S.E. Asia etc. (while preaching their victims, about how to maintain "democracy" and "human-rights"... just like a bunch of rapists, preaching their victims, or something!!! Since they ARE the very embodiment, of the very word "hypocrisy"), they do also treat "foreigners" (be they immigrants, from their formerly crushed and butchered colonies, or even their own citizens, but from a different origin!!!) in a way frighteningly resembling... well, another time, not so far away, in their bloody history... Their name: The european union. Its dominant members are: France (nuclear testings at the other side of the Globe... racist incites... mass deportations... and so on), Germany (well... fucking germany, what else is there to say? Watch the Hitler - oops, History Channel), Spain (building an illegal wall, at their occupied territory of Melilla... mass deportations, in full accordance with their bloody History [regos transfericos]... dirty war, against the Freedom-craving Basques... brutally murdering bulls... and so on), The united kingdom (imperialism - even nowadays, from butchered Iraq & Afghanistan, to the occupied territory of The Malvinas... extremely pathological sexophobia - which is even worse, than the united-statesian one... 1984-style fascistic surveillance, after its own citizens... and so bloodily on), Italy (fascism a-la-mossulini all over again... an overly-corrupted clown, as a prime-minister...), Denmark (racist incite... fascism...), Austria (see germany), The netherlands (see denmark), Belgium (where the only thing, stronger than the hatered between its two different groups, is their common antisemitic hate of Muslims...), Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria (all of which are hells, of anti-Rroma racist hate and incite), and other such gurbage.

An ultra-technological, apparently very advanced, but also workaholic society, very Peace-craving and with a tolerating pagan faith, but whose predominant cultural aspects, include an unbelivably violent traditions and which engages itself, joyfully and whole-heartedly, in the business of brutally slaughter young and innocent Dolphins: Japan.

A hungry autoritarian bear, still(?) heavily shell-shocked, from losing its extensive amount of influence on global affairs, awake and wounded. Soon, it shall rise again, to claime its insult - and then... in order to make things more interesting (in the chinese meaning of the word, of course), it also holds an astounding and amazing amount of the most destructive weapons everywhere, capable of annihilating ALL LIFE ON EARTH (save a few cockroaches). its name: Russia.

A seemingly-spiritual society, with a lot of interesting religious and Philosophical aspects to its Culture, a very long History, which streches thousands of years into the past, and an excel in anything regarding high technology, but nonetheless, considers Women to be nothing, but a property (to be slained if "unnecessary" to their husbands/fathers) and which most predominant religion is, mostly, the crystallization of racist appartheid-laws, made up just in order to oppress all "non-arian darkies" of the South: India.

A bunch of throwbacks, retard countries, whose golden-age, had been over half-a-millenium(!!) ago and by now, their sole identity, is their despickably primitive religion - according to which, Women are property, while Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders, do not exist at all (and if they are found to exist, they are being emprisoned, and/or hung) - and whose sole cultural occupation, so its seems, is inciting and burning all flags, they can possibly put their hands on: The Muslim Countries (be they Arabic, Turkic, Persian, Indian or Indonesian).

A profoundly and most obviously NAZI... entity, with a humeinisto-talibanic and declaredly RACIST religious faith and mentality, willingly stuck at the very Heart of a region, it nonetheless insists upon hating and allienating itself from, while inciting against - and actively slaughtering - little children, whose sole "crime" is that they were born to a different ethnos, than its own and who persecutes its own ethnic minority, abusing "foreign workers" while molesting them, chewing their Lives and then throwing them away, as if they were nothing, but gurbage, oppresses all opposition, pushing forward a despickable 1984-like legislation - and all the while, yells that it is THE most-number-one-numero-uno-absolutely-totally moral state, at the Entire Bloody Universe: Israel.


Gods, I could go on and on, ranting over this species inferiority and genetical stupidity (it titles itself "homo sapiens" = "the wise man"; in fact, it is "the blood-thirsty, stupid, murderous, self-hating, life-despising, death-craving, inferior, violent, utterly destructive, terminally fucked up ape"), but writing all this down, I'm already starting to become quite a pathological misanthrop, so I'd rather stop now...


But anyhow: see now, why do I strongly prefer Cats???



סופר, משורר, עורך, הוגה-דעות, פובליציסט, אינטלקטואל, מתרגם, רעיונאי ("קופירייטר"), מעצב והומוריסטן רחובותי מקורי ביותר, בעל עמדות שמאלניות אולטרא-רדיקאליות בכל נושא ונושא. בשנים 2005-2007 למדתי, באוניברסיטה העברית - הר הצופים (לימודי הודו, בורמה, רוסיה, פולין ואוקראינה, לשון עברית ומעט בלשנות כללית). יליד-רחובות (1975) והתגוררתי גם בתל-אביב (1998-1999 ו-2001), בבודאפשט (1998), בחיפה (2004-2005) ובירושלים (2005-2007). מרקסיסט, אנארכיסט, נודיסט, דאואיסט, רומנטי מאד, מחבק-עצים ומבטל-מגדר. מאמין בדת הפרדס.

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